Well, I missed a post last Sunday because I had to work. So I will do two this week!
Here are some pictures from our Christmas. It was wonderful! Lynnli had so much fun! She got so many new toys and clothes! She doesn't know what to do with half of them! Her favorite is her little bike she got. She never wants to get off it! She also just LOVES her dolls. She got a talking Elmo and Cookie Monster, and a Cheer Leader doll who sings a few cheers. She got just a soft baby doll and Barney. Lots of Elmo and Barney movies, a bunch of new outfits with a new bow and headband for each one! Just tons of fun stuff!
Andrew also got some fun stuff, which including, "the best Christmas present I ever got" he says, 3 Zebra Finches. They are so much fun! The sing all day and are just fun to watch! We have 2 girls and 1 boy. Andrew said he didn't want to name them...but I still did. :) There names are Flip, Flop, and Flutter. I will put pictures on with my next post.
I also got the best Christmas present ever! Andrew got me a Phoenix HP22. A little pistol. It is so small and cute! The clip holds 10 shots which is more than what I thought it would hold. I love shooting and now need to hurry and get my concealed weapons permit. We are going shooting tomorrow and I will put some pictures from that on as well.
It was such a fun day! I am so excited for Lynnli's Birthday, in a few months, when we can do it all over again! For now, enjoy the pictures and be sure to check back soon!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We're back!!
Anyway, I'm putting a few pictures of Lynnli in front of the tree. She loves the lights, but she loves smiling for pictures more. She is 8 1/2 months old now and as fun as ever! She crawls backwards and can move both arms and one leg forward. She just can't get that other leg in front of the other. As soon as she figures it out, she'll be all over though.
Andrew is still working on getting Sylex started. They are so close! West Valley City is just being stubborn (to put it nicely) and won't give us our building permit still. Soon...very soon. While we're working on that, he is going up to Idaho to work on a school with his dad, uncle, and brother. He likes working with his family, hates to travel, and is sick of waiting for the building permit. We just keep telling ourselves it will be worth it in the long run.
I still love managing Sally's. It's a great job, they are a great company, and I love being able to pick my schedule and boss everyone else around. :) I have been making wedding announcements for friends in the little free time I have and love doing it. If anyone knows someone looking for someone to do theirs, I'd love to! I'm working on making a blog for just that, I just need to have enough examples on it. I can also do baby announcements, Senior announcements and anything you'd like. It's only a hobby though. So don't worry, I'm not trying to advertise to you all.
Anyway, I'm going to throw on a few more pictures form the last couple months of some of the stuff I missed blogging on. We hope everyone is healthy and happy! We'll be back next week (hopefully)!

Uncle Jeff's Birthday
Uncle Eric and Lynnli
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Lynnli's 6 Month Pictures
We just recently took Lynnli's 6 month pictures and wanted to share them with everyone. We just took them in our front yard. We can't belive how fast she is growing! She is so much fun! She is so close to crawling now. She gets on all fours and rocks. She can go backwards but hasn't figured out forward still. lol She is wonderful!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Your'e all invited!
This saturday, Oct. 11th, is Andrew's 25th birthday. I am taking him shooting for it out by Utah lake. Anyone who would like to come is invited. Just meet at our house at 9. We'll try to be on the road by about quarter after. We'll shoot for a couple hours and then we'll probably go to lunch. The weather isn't looking like it will be great so if you want to just come to lunch with us after your welcome to. Just let me know so I can give you a call when we leave. My number is 815-1876 for anyone who doesn't know. Your'e all welcome to come to our house anytime later in the day as well. We'll just be home with the baby! I hope we see you all then! Thanks so much! Call or text me with any questions!
Yum yum!
My sister Brooklyn needed to take some pictures for her reflections contest at school so she asked if she could use Lynnli for them. Lynnli didn't mind being it at all! :) Here's what she got!
She loved the ice cream but was not happy when we stopped feeding her! lol
Anyway, I will be trying to do a new post more often! Thanks for looking!
Monday, September 15, 2008
I can't believe its been a month and a half!

Here I am with the hair extensions I got...Andrew thought they were so cool he had to try them for himself. Our friend Jeff Morrison tried them too.
Can you say...Pedophile?
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Zoo!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
More Pictures
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Lynni's New Toy!
We got Lynnli a Jenny Jump Up yesterday and she loves it! Just look at how much fun she has!
Ok, so maybe she can't quite do it on her own yet. But she does still like it. Especially eating it. She really can turn around in it and she straightens her legs and gets excited, but doesn't jump yet. She will soon though. It's fun!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Mom and Daughter

She likes to watch me play the piano. She will play one day as well!

Big beautiful eyes!
Always happy, as usual!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
We did it!