Once upon a time...
I just had to let Carrie know she's not alone! The other night, after giving Lynnli her bath, I was walking downstairs to make her a bottle before bed. The last couple steps I slipped and fell. I was holder her, but luckily a fell back so she stayed on me. As I was falling I pulled her on top of me so she couldn't hit anything, but I used both my hands to do so, therefore I landed with a stair right in my neck and in the middle of my back. I have been pretty sore, but I am just glad Lynnli is alright. That was probably the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. The feeling you get is even worse than you could imagine.
On a happier note, it looks like I am going to become an assistant manager for a Sally Beauty and most likely take over the South Jordan store within a couple of months. If not that one, I will take the Sandy or Draper store. We are very excited.We've talked about opening some kind of spa or salon for a while, but having my own Sally's is pretty close! Well, in the same industry at least. If anyone needs any beauty supplies let me know! I'll get you a great deal!
We had a nice Fathers Day. Andrew had to work until 9, but after that we went and saw his dad. Mine is in New York for the week. I thought for my Fathers Day post, I'd put up what makes Andrew a father! Pictures of his gorgeous daughter Lynnli! These first couple are her in his favorite outfit. We have had it since before she was born and she is finally beg enough to fit it. It has an adorable hat with it too, but she has a tiny head (20th percentile!). Here she is!
Well, we have some very exciting news. Andrew has finally quit his job!!! That's right. He has been at LBI Sat for 3 years now, and last week he was able to put in his 2 weeks. Because of the way his schedule is, his last day will be this Thursday. It has been a great job for him. but it gets to the point when moving up is no longer an option. He now will be working at a new company called Sylex. It is still in the process of getting open and running, and Andrew being able to work at it full time will get it there that much quicker. We are excited to have this change and hope it will all work out good. If for some reason it doesn't, we will go back to school and start over while we're still young. Wish us luck!
Today we were able to go have a BBQ with some of our good friends, the Layton's and the Lyman's. Rusty and Melissa have an 8 month little boy (Josh) and a 3 year old girl (Rachel) and Brett and Carrie have a 5 week little girl (Lauren). It was so fun with all the little kids! I never thought that I would get to the point in my life where we hang out with friends, and there are kids all over the place. It was so much fun with the three babies so close, we had to get some pictures. Josh is going to have a tough time picking a wife out of the beautiful girls in front of him. For now, he can just enjoy them both!
Here's the stud Josh, and he is checking out the ladies here!
Our princess Lynnli
Lauren (she will be a ballerina one day)
Here's the trio! I don't think we'll have to worry about Josh being smaller than either girl anytime soon!
And last, how sweet! At least they aren't fighting over him ... yet!
We had so much fun and are looking forward to the next time we all get together for a play date!