Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Adventure

We are finally doing it...

Lynnli's Potty Training!!!

I wanted to start the training months ago. But then we were moving, then the baby was born and I was away, then Alyssa came home, then we moved again. It just seemed like big things kept happening and I felt like we were never going to be able to start! But we finally have! Day one has been a huge success! With 7 successes (one was even number 2!!) and only 3 accidents, I can only hope Lynnli continues to do so well! The last 3 times today she has some to me and told me she needs to go before she has. I am so proud of her and I feel so lucky she is so smart! I am ready for some relapses as they are typical, but I hope they are few and far between!

Wish us luck and be prepared for stories as we go on this adventure!

Here is Lynnli's cute potty! She just loves it!

This is the candy we keep on display for her. Anytime we check her and she is dry, or when she goes on the potty she gets one. Great incentive for her!

This is her special book where we keep track of everything! The hits and the misses!

She gets to pick a sticker to put in every time she goes on the potty.

She has a LOT of stickers to choose from!

She is doing great and seems to be having a lot of fun! I am making her drink a lot more so she has to go more often (notice the juice running down her shirt)

1 comment:

The Noble's said...

LOL! And so it begins! I didn't like potty training Ruth but Garret and Kaylee wanted to do it so it was A LOT easier. Good luck! Sounds like she is already doing very well!

Lynnli Justine