Wow! Has it been a long time or what since I have posted anything. I'm sure some people thought I disappeared or lost my password or something! But in fact, I have not. I am really really busy...OK and a little lazy!
Anyway, Life is great at the moment! We are moving out of Daybreak right now into a house with a nice big fenced off backyard, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, and so much more living space! The place we are in and have been for the last year is great! But circumstances have changed and this is going to be a better place for us. Plus it will make it so Eric (my brother) can take our place and not have to share with roommates. That will be great for them since they are getting married next month! Now for the family update.
Lynnli, sweet adorable Lynnli is 3 now and just as crazy as ever! She is starting Preschool in the fall (INSANE!!) and he can't wait! She talks about school all the time! I know she will love it. She is still hilarious and always keeps us moving! She is very independent as well! She went to use the bathroom yesterday and came out with a new haircut! :/ She now has bangs that are a whole 1/4" long! That is going to be fun trying to hide for the next few months while it grows out! She is definitely getting some attitude too! Shopping with dad the other day she wanted to push the cart. He let her and after a while rested his hand on the side just out of habbit. When she saw she yelled at the top of her lungs, "Dad! Get your FREAKIN' hand off the cart!" I'm telling you, there is never a dull moment with Lynnli around!
Alyssa is now almost 2! She is full of life and so sweet to everyone! I can't get over how beautiful she is! She has such a different personality from Lynnli. It is so funny! She loves to share everything and if there is ever someone unhappy about something, she will do everything she can to make them happy again.She is just now starting to really want to talk and she is starting to get pretty good. She is catching up to Lynnli size wise and they get mistaken for twins all the time now! Alyssa is in love with animals. Anytime she sees a picture, one on tv, or a real one, she goes crazy! She wants to hold them and kiss them and just love them! It so cute!
Andrew is doing great as a Licensed Massage therapist. He has been at The Spa Club for about 6 months now and he is steadily building a nice clientel! He loves massaging and helping people that way and he really has a natural gift for it. Its not so bad for me either! ;) He is starting school in June to get his Master Esthetician license as well. That will take about a year and then being dually licensed he will have so many more opportunities open up.
I stay home now and watch kids. I watch a 10 month old, 18 month old, and 9 year old girls and then a 3 year old, 18 month old, and 4 month old boys. Some days get a little crazy, but overall we do alright. Its fun for my girls to have other kids to play with and they typically do well sharing all their stuff. I have recently taken up a new hobby, sewing, and love making things for my girls. They have a few dressing so far and I am working on some adorable slippers! I do have a little problem though. I have become an addict to Facebook contests! I am on their multiple times a day entering all sorts of things! It doesnt help that its so easy to get on from my phone. I recently have won body wraps and a face wrap by ItWorks and I LOVE them! A gift card to a little Etsy shop with custom party supplies, and a huge scentsy package (a full size and plug in warmer plus 9 scentsy bars!!). I LOVE winning things! I am entered into dozens more that I am waiting to hear the results on as well. Free thing ROCK!
As a family we are wonderful! We get lots of family time since Andrew only works 15-20 hours a week massaging and I am home all day. We recently went to San Diego and took the girls to Sea World, the Zoo, and the Beach. It was so fun! A full week vacation was just what we needed!
Well, I will throw some pictures up and then I need to get back to packing! I just needed a quick break and thought I would blog quickly! Thanks for taking the time to read about my life and love and hopefully I will be able to get myself back to writing regularly!
PS If anyone has a truck and want to help us move next weekend, let me know! 801-696-0398
Only 2 pictures!? So disappointing, I know! I thought I had uploaded all the pics on my camera but apparently I have yet to do that. So this is my promise that in the next week sometime I will find the time to upload and post them all on here!!