Wednesday, April 2nd, I was sitting at home thinking Lynnli would never come. I had some strange things happening, but didn't think much about it. I called the doctor thinking it was possible it was my water, but highly doubting it. The doctor had me come in to check. He didn't think it was my water either, but went to check under a microscope anyway. Ended up, I had a tiny tiny leak. Not enough to do much, but anything with the water, they try to get you going. I went down to the delivery rooms and they hooked me up to all the monitors. I was having contractions 5 minutes apart, but couldn't feel anything. After about 4 hours, I wasn't progressing so the doctor decided to completely break my water. When he went to check me again, before he did anything, it broke on its own.
After 6 hours, I was completely dilated and after only 3 pushes she was here! It was 1:22 AM, April 4th. She weighed 8lbs. 8oz. and was 20 inches long. We were able to go home Friday afternoon and she has been so wonderful! Her jaundice count was a little high when we left and the next day even higher, so we had to put her under billi lights. By Sunday evening she was back in the normal range.
She eats great and sleeps almost all night! She wakes up twice, eats, and goes right back to bed. I am getting more sleep now then when I was pregnant! Andrew is such a good dad and will cuddle with her all day if I didn't steal her. We couldn't be happier! She is just wonderful!

She is very content just looking around. There is always a smile on her face!

My sister Candice is holder her here while she has the billi light on her back.
Just chillin' nothing going on.
This was the first day we had her home. Big yawns!

Right before we started the billi light treatments. You can tell she is pretty yellow.

She makes some of the funniest faces while she sleeps! Its so fun to watch her.

This is right when we got home. Again, you can see the yellow.

Sleeping with daddy. This was today, her color is much better!