Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Please help!!

I have a question for any lady who has been pregnent before out there. Lucky for us, as we get further along in our pregnancies, our pelvis and hip bones start to soften to get ready for delivery. With Allister and Lynnli I did ok, but this time has been so horrible! I would almost rather go through labor every night (ok, not that bad, but it hurts!). Last night I just sat in bed half the night because it hurt so bad to lay down. I have tried putting the pillow between my legs and I have tried heat and cool packs, but nothing has seemed to help. It gets more and more painful as the day goes on and by night I can't sit longer than five minutes or so without standing for breaks because if I do I can't get up to walk after.

What I am wondering is if anyone has ever had this as bad as me and what can I do to find some relief? If I could I would take a hot bath every night, but because of my cerclage I can't be submerged in any water. If you even have any ideas that you think might help, please let me know!


Amy said...

Sorry you are so misserable :( I have never had a problem like you are describing but I did a search on for Pubic Symphysis Disorder. You definatley are not alone. There was a forum there with lots of tips from women having similar problems. Here is the link to the forum I was reading...I don't know if it will work but you should be able to cut and paste it into your web browser. Wish I could be of more help.

Donna said...

Talk to your Dr. about a prescription- mine actually gave me sleeping pills and pain pills for a bit. I had so much pain with my last pregnancy!! I took advil liquid gels (alright in the second trimester and part of the third) almost daily. Do you have nerve pain too? I had a "tens" unit I rented from the Dr. that would send electric shocks from my lower back to my knee,to help calm the muscles that were putting pressure on my nerves. My Dr. said being off your feet with your feet up was the best thing I could do- I know that on the days I was on my feet more, my night would be worse! Lots of pillows when laying down helped too. Not just one between the legs but 2 under my head, 1 behind my back, body pillow in the front and one under my feet to sleep. Oh- lay back to back with Andrew- his back is like a heating pad and the hard pressure of his back helps too. Good luck. I feel your pain! Just think of the sweet baby and it is all worth it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's been a month and a are those bones feeling? Any relief? I hope it's gotten better!

Lynnli Justine