Saturday, March 15, 2008

I got Tagged! All About My Man

1. FULL NAME: Martin Andrew Nielsen
2. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED? 3 years this June
3. HOW LONG DID YOU DATE? Actually dating, it was 3 months before we were engaged, then we were engaged for another 6 1/2
4. WHO SAID 'I LOVE YOU' FIRST? Honestly? I have no idea! I think we both just knew. I can't remember who was the first to actually say it.
5. WHO IS TALLER? Andrew, of course!
6. WHO SINGS BETTER? Definitely Andrew. I'm not a singer.
7. WHO IS SMARTER? Depends on what you ask. But really, probably Andrew.
8. WHO DOES THE LAUNDRY? I think Andrew has moved the laundry from the washer to the dryer twice. He is very good at complaining about it not being done on his schedule though.
9. WHO PAYS THE BILLS? Me. He asks about it sometimes, but if I died, he would have no idea what to do.
10. WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED? Right now, I do. But for some reason whenever we rearrange our bedroom we seem to switch sides. Not planned, just happens.
11. WHO MOWS THE LAWN? Usually Andrew, but if he can't or is gone I do.
12. WHO COOKS DINNER? I do. He made me george foreman chicken once, but he doesn't cook.
13. WHO DRIVES? Usually Andrew. If it's on the motorcycle it's always him. Since I've been pregnant though, he likes to drive the motorcylce and have me follow in the car.
14. WHO IS MORE STUBBORN? I think we are both very stubborn. Luckily, we tend to agree and we both know each others limits.
15. WHO KISSED WHO FIRST? Andrew kissed me. If you ask him, he'll say I begged him too. Not true. I may have "hinted" but I never begged. Our first kiss was pretty mean too. Andrew leaned in really close, I was leaning in and up on my tip toes. Then right before contact, he stood up quick and said "Almost". He laughed so hard so I went and "pouted" and he came over and really kissed me. Needless to say, I didn't lean in this time. He had to come all the way himself.
16. WHO ASKED WHO OUT FIRST? I asked for rides in his huge jeep wrangler, but we never really asked each other out. We just were together everyday for months and then it turned into dating. We just knew we'd be together so no one had to ask the other out.
17. WHO PROPOSED? Andrew, of course. And his proposal was so amazing it won us a $25,000 wedding. Ask sometime and I'll tell you the story if you don't already know or haven't seen it on TV.
18. WHO HAS MORE SIBLINGS? Andrew. He has 3 younger brothers and 3 younger sisters. I have 1 older and 1 younger brother, and 2 younger sisters.
19. WHO WEARS THE PANTS IN THE FAMILY? It's really probably pretty even. Andrew is definitely the man of the house, but we both have a lot of say. We really agree on pretty much everything and we are both so laid back that life is just easy wih each other.
I love him! He is the best!

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Lynnli Justine